A major breaking point for Cuba-U.S. relations was the nationalizing of foreign assets in Cuba. With this action, the United States faced heavy economic losses there, angering them.
In this clip, Press Secretary Haggerty calls Fidel Castro a “dictator”. This was a commonly-used tactic against Castro by the United States, depicting him as a ruthless, heartless ruler. This, in turn, heavily affected the way Americans viewed communist leaders. The newsreel here is similar to the other posted on this site: it is biased in favor of American forces.
Noa, R. (Director). (n.d.). The United States Breaks Diplomatic Relations with Cuba [Video file]. Retrieved from https://www.gettyimages.com/detail/video/the-united-states-breaks-diplomatic-relations-with-cuba-news-footage/1173923382?adppopup=true.